The Biggest SEO And Digital Marketing SCAM (That You’re Still Falling For)

The Biggest SEO And Digital Marketing SCAM

You want your business to succeed? Right? Well, who doesn't because you want to succeed you're out there looking for information trying to improve and other people know that and because they know that they're continually hitting you up with scams and people are creating all this information out there telling you what you should be spending your time on but it's providing little to no results.Hi everyone. I'm Ali Tamar. And today I'm going to show you the biggest SEO and digital marketing scam that you're still following.

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You've probably heard about this from time and time again in digital marketing.

Hey use this tool and you can have your SEO run on autopilot.
The only create content that you create backlinks heck. You don't even need to look at your website who wouldn't want something like that. Trust me. I'm trying to still build something like that and it's not easy and I haven't figured it out yet. I know tons of other big companies who make hundreds of millions or try and do the same thing, but yet it's not out there yet.
Look everyone's pitching you all this Automation and a lot of this automation. All it's going to do is get you penalized.
So let's start diving into it.

  • TIP1:

So the first thing you need to avoid is automatic content creation.

A lot of that is article spinning. I've had tons of people asking about her, I'm spitting articles using software which one should I use them like none? It's a bad thing. This isn't providing users a good experience. You're just creating content for Google and eventually, they have way more money than you they're way more money than almost everyone on this Earth and they're going End up hitting your site Harden you're not going to rank for anything because they know that you're just creating John content.

Remember Google wants a rank that people want to read first your article Spinners aren't going to do that. If you aren't familiar with what article spinning is. It's about software where you just copy and paste the content into and adjust it and changes the wording around used as synonyms to figure out new ways to create content that is plagiarism-free or duplicate content free and when you do that trust me Google knows this and you'll find that that content doesn't rank at all people use them because it saves them a ton of time. No one wants to write content manually. They want to do this all automatically.
So why are they so bad for SEO is because they mainly produce low-quality content.
That's unreadable.
Google has taken real ability into account when monitoring blogs if people are bouncing from your blog because they can't read it. It's going to hurt your rankings badly example, here's our original sentence.
She scored 20 points in the basket. The game yesterday against her rival team.
Now. Here's a version from article spinning.
She scored 20 focuses in the basketball game yesterday against their adversary group.
 You see how that doesn't make sense that's an example of article spinning.

  • TIP2:

The next type of content that you want to avoid is content scrapie content scraping is much like an article spinning in the fact that it's just black hat tactic, but you practice a little bit differently.

Now what it is is scraping is a practice of using Bots To extract pieces of content from other websites and using it on your site and claiming it as your own words and short and essentially it's stealing content from other websites. And this is never a good idea. If you take content from other websites and using their data, you want to cite them as a source. That's okay. If you include people's data here and there with their permission citing them giving them credit, where's dessert? But just stealing other people's content not citing them as a source is a bad thing to do and the reason is bad from SEO is because Google knows is duplicate content even though They don't penalize for duplicate content.

They're not going to rank you high for a Content. That's just copied and plagiarize from people who have released five-six years ago the key with your brand online and I can't stress. This is about creating a loyal user group and you don't do that by just copying other people's content you that throughout tensity you do that by creating amazing content creating amazing service amazing experience that people want to deal with now another form of content creation that people are doing it's really bad is content generation automation.

This is the worst automation tool out there is when people just say hey tool go and criminy content on this subject. How are they going to create anything unique? How are they going to use data to back up your claims your sources how they can use images to describe the message that they're going to convey. How are they going to know that it helps people so much and they're getting so much value? They want to keep coming back to your website. This tactic has rarely worked. Not too many people are doing this form of content creation because as soon For a low quality, but you want to avoid it at all costs especially when people are like hey, we'll sell you kind of for $3 $5 chances are they're using tools like this. So what's your solution right? There are all these bad things that people are doing that are scamming others. So what should you be doing? Well, you should be writing your own content your own unique brand voice your own unique tone that resonates with your business and your marketing.

It's all about doing what's best for your readers. If you don't think that you're a good writer, you can look at hiring other free rent. Riders from jobs out ProBlogger dot net it's a great way to go find more riders that are affordable and know what they're doing.

  • TIP3:

Now another big scam out. There are automated link building and there are many different types. The first one I want to go over is link Farms. So you're probably wondering what's a link bar.

Well, there are sites that are essentially used for backlinking if these sites provide no value and all they do is link out to other websites. Who do you think's Google's going to do they're going to notice that bad sites are linking to you that provide no value so Hurt your rankings over time. Why do people use them? Well, people are constantly trying to build a ton of backlinks because they know that links have a high correlation with rankings according to Maas.

And the more links you get the higher you're going to rank but if your links are automated and terrible people just aren't going to be happy with you. If you put your website and a link Farm you'll find that you'll get a ton of links really fast. It's going to be a natural and then you're going to have to go to Google and disavow all of those things if you don't disavow, There's a good chance that you're going to hurt your rankings in a long run and you're not going to rank at all.

Another bad source of automated link building is private blog networks what private blog networks also known as PBMs are is people have a group of sites. They're putting them together and they're using them for the purpose of Link building. They're still maintaining them, but they're not telling anyone that they have these groups of sites and there's using them for link building and they're making them seem as legitimate sites.

Well the moment Google finds out one of these blogging Networks.

Is bad and you're using them again? It's going to hurt you just like these other link Farms out there.

The third tactic that I see people doing that's really bad is expired domains purifying expired domains that have a lot of backlinks taking them and then 301 redirecting them to their site.

This will not help you with your rankings.
Why because most of those links are going to be relevant to what you're doing. Most of those links are going to a specific piece of content. Just sending them to your own page is not a good idea. It's Cami. It's not long run when you Do all these things what you'll find is just takes a lot of hours and it costs a lot of money you're better off just doing it the old-fashioned way creating a lot of value and going after the links all manually.

I hope you avoid these things at all costs when it comes to spammy digital marketing tactics because it's how you won't survive in the long run if you want your business to succeed focus on more long-term tactics.
The Biggest SEO And Digital Marketing SCAM (That You’re Still Falling For) The Biggest SEO And Digital Marketing SCAM (That You’re Still Falling For) Reviewed by Ali Tamar on Thursday, April 09, 2020 Rating: 5


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